
By Md Shaiful islam Talukder | 11:40 PM |

1900-2100 Calendar

  1. 1900-2100 Calendar with notes option
  2. Ms Excel Yearly calendar 1900-2100 .

Age Add in

  1. Ms excel age ,color count, and colour sorting Add In

Age or date diff. function

  1. Ms Excel Age or Date differ calculation function
  2. Ms excel Age Calculation , Coloure sort and coloure count

Appoinment Calendar

  1. Appointment calendar by Ms Excel.

Attendance Record

  1. Attendance Record Maintain by click .

Bangladeshi currency number to text

  1. Ms Excel Number to text by Bangladeshi currency

Both side Equel formula

  1. Both side (column and row sum) equal or wrong formula.


  1. 1900-2100 Calendar with notes option
  2. Appointment calendar by Ms Excel.
  3. Ms Excel Yearly calendar 1900-2100 .
  4. Ms excel date write easy way by calendar.


  1. Bar Chart using REPT function
  2. Ms Excel Chart/Graph Templates .

Check printing...

  1. By Ms Excel check writing ,printing and register maintain .

Cheek Mark

  1. Ms Excel Double click a column auto cheek mark.


  1. Ms Excel Active cell color.
  2. Ms excel Active row color.
  3. Ms excel Age Calculation , Coloure sort and coloure count

Condition Sum formula

  1. Multiple condition Sum in Ms Excel.
  2. Positive/condition value sum by formula.

Conditional Formatting.

  1. Ms Excel duplicate value highlights very easy way.
  2. Odd or even row color easy way. - New!
  3. Unique Value Easily Identify - New!


  1. 1900-2100 Calendar with notes option
  2. Date Sum with number.
  3. How Ms Excel Works with Dates.
  4. Ms Excel Yearly calendar 1900-2100 .
  5. Ms Excel last day of month Know by formula .
  6. Ms excel filter by Month wary .
  7. Ms excel Date to text .
  8. Ms excel date write easy way by calendar.

Duplicate value

  1. Duplicate data prevent by data validation .
  2. Ms Excel Duplicate value delete by one click.
  3. Ms Excel duplicate value highlights very easy way.
  4. Ms excel Duplicate Thing find by Function.

Employee time sheet

  1. Employee weekly time sheet.

Face ID

  1. Face ID number with picture . - New!
  2. Ms excel Know Face id .

Factorial function

  1. Ms excel Factorial function use.


  1. Filtered column heading row cell color auto - New!
  2. Ms excel filter by Month wary .
  3. Ms excel filter by one click category wary different sheet.
  4. Ms excel filter by Input box.


  1. Row and column sum by easy formula - New!


  1. 1900-2100 Calendar with notes option
  2. Appointment calendar by Ms Excel.
  3. Attendance Record Maintain by click .
  4. Bar Chart using REPT function
  5. Both side (column and row sum) equal or wrong formula.
  6. Combine two or more cell data in one cell by function.
  7. Date Sum with number.
  8. Duplicate data prevent by data validation .
  9. Employee weekly time sheet.
  10. Error function Different type Symbol in Ms Excel.
  11. Formula to value a click . - New!
  12. Grade Point and Letter Grade Calculation Actual way .
  13. How Ms Excel Works with Dates.
  14. Leap year or Not a leap year function
  15. Ms Excel square and other power function .
  16. Ms Excel Age or Date differ calculation function
  17. Ms Excel Chart/Graph Templates .
  18. Ms Excel Number to text by Bangladeshi currency
  19. Ms Excel last day of month Know by formula .
  20. Ms excel Age Calculation , Coloure sort and coloure count
  21. Ms excel Date to text .
  22. Ms excel Duplicate Thing find by Function.
  23. Ms excel Factorial function use.
  24. Ms excel Some Tips .
  25. Ms excel age ,color count, and colour sorting Add In
  26. Multiple condition Sum in Ms Excel.
  27. Nth Large and Nth Small data find by function in Ms excel.
  28. Number to inches and feet by function . - New!
  29. Odd or even row color easy way. - New!
  30. Page break,Page subtotal,lastly grand total by a click. - New!
  31. Positive/condition value sum by formula.
  32. Prize bond/ lottery ticket serial search after draw use VLOOKUP () formula.
  33. Protect cell contain formulas.
  34. Ranking easy way by Rank function .
  35. Roman Number from General Number by function.
  36. Row and column sum by easy formula - New!
  37. Subtotal function Use different way.
  38. Sum same Color's cell contain number in Ms Excel.
  39. Unique Value Easily Identify - New!

Grade point

  1. Grade Point and Letter Grade Calculation Actual way .

Index file Maiker

  1. Index file Maker .

Leap Year Or not Leap Year Function

  1. Leap year or Not a leap year function

Lightening user form

  1. Ms Excel user form with lightening

Magnify Active cell

  1. Ms excel Magnify Active cell

Mail Marge

  1. Mail Marge In Ms Excel .

Ms excel Keyboard shortcut

  1. Ms excel keyboard sort cut .


  1. Multiple user open sheet by different password in Ms Excel.

Rept function

  1. Bar Chart using REPT function
  2. Ms Excel Chart/Graph Templates .

Ruman Number

  1. Roman Number from General Number by function.

Search form

  1. Ms excel Search by Form.

Square and Power function

  1. Ms Excel square and other power function .

Sub total function

  1. Subtotal function Use different way.

Tips Ms excel

  1. Ms excel Some Tips .


  1. By Ms Excel check writing ,printing and register maintain .
  2. Color name know easily.
  3. Combine two or more column cell data by Defined function.
  4. Copy ,Cut, Right click pop up Disable by VB in Ms Excel.
  5. Employee weekly time sheet.
  6. Extract Email Address from string.
  7. Extract Number from string.
  8. Face ID number with picture . - New!
  9. Filtered column heading row cell color auto - New!
  10. Formula to value a click . - New!
  11. Function Create by VB and use. - New!
  12. Index file Maker .
  13. Insert number automatically by a click - New!
  14. Mail Marge In Ms Excel .
  15. Ms Excel Active cell color.
  16. Ms Excel Double click a column auto cheek mark.
  17. Ms Excel Duplicate value delete by one click.
  18. Ms Excel Number to text by Bangladeshi currency
  19. Ms Excel to Ms Word Data transfer by one click.
  20. Ms excel filter by one click category wary different sheet.
  21. Ms excel Active row color.
  22. Ms excel Know Face id .
  23. Ms excel Magnify Active cell
  24. Ms excel Search by Form.
  25. Ms excel filter by Input box.
  26. Multiple user open sheet by different password in Ms Excel.
  27. Page break,Page subtotal,lastly grand total by a click. - New!
  28. Sheet index create by VB in Ms Excel.
  29. Specific color cell content select one click than copy paste .
  30. Sum same Color's cell contain number in Ms Excel.

prize bond

  1. Prize bond/ lottery ticket serial search after draw use VLOOKUP () formula.


  1. Date Sum with number.
  2. Multiple condition Sum in Ms Excel.
  3. Positive/condition value sum by formula.
  4. Subtotal function Use different way.
  5. Sum same Color's cell contain number in Ms Excel.
