I know initial /beginner learner Suffer how to start Ms Excel , They searching here and there but not find actual tips.Only find here click and there click.So ,I try very easy way present a tutorial sheet (41 Pages ). If this tutorial sheet helpful , my tries success . At before I post
Ms excel key board sort cut and Some tips of Ms excel also helpful for initial learner .
Ms excel key board sort cut and Some tips of Ms excel also helpful for initial learner .
Some initial light here all thing find in tutorial sheet:-
A spreadsheet package contains electronic equivalent of a pen,an eraser and large sheet of paper with vertical and horizontal lines to give rows and columns. The cursor position uniquely shown in dark
mode indicates where the pen is currently pointing. We can enter textor numbers at any position on the worksheet. We can enter a formula in a cell where we want to perform a calculation and results are to be displayed. A powerful recalculation facility jumps into action each time we update the cell contents with new data.MS-Excel is the most powerful spreadsheet package brought by Microsoft. The three main components of this package A spreadsheet package contains electronic equivalent of a pen,an eraser and large sheet of paper with vertical and horizontal lines togive rows and columns. The cursor position uniquely shown in dark mode indicates where the pen is currently pointing. We can enter text or numbers at any position on the worksheet. We can enter a formula in a cell where we want to perform a calculation and results are to be displayed. A powerful recalculation facility jumps into action each timewe update the cell contents with new data. MS-Excel is the most powerful spreadsheet package brought by Microsoft. The three main components of this package are
Electronic spreadsheet
Database management
Generation of Charts.
Sales executives, book-keepers,officers, students, research scholars, investors bankers etc, almost anyone find some form of application for it. You will learn the following features at the tutorial sheet.
Starting Excel 2003
Using Help
Workbook Management
Cursor Management
Manipulating Data
Using Formula and Functions
Formatting Spreadsheet
Printing and Layout
Creating Charts and Graphs
Now download this sheet and Start Learning and Enjoy!

At before I post Ms excel key board sort cut and Some tips of Ms excel also helpful for initial learner .
Some initial light here all thing find in tutorial sheet:-
What is Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application program offered in the Microsoft office software package.
This program allows you to perform calculations and use graphic tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called VBA. In addition, Excel can also be used to create charts and graphs.
After finishing this course you should be able to do the following:
. · Start Excel
. · Identify the items on the Excel program screen
. · Know how to use Toolbars
. · Customize Toolbars
. · Work with Sheets
. · Create a New spreadsheet
. · Open an existing saved excel sheet
. · Save a sheet
. · Convert Excel to PDF
. · Rename a sheet
. · Work on multiple sheets
. · Enter the data
. · Insert and Delete rows/columns
. · Create Tables
. · Draw charts
. · Inserting Picture/Hyperlinks/Symbols
. · Enter a formula
. · Import, Filter and Sort the data
. · Freeze/Unfreeze Worksheets
. · Use Pivot tables
Starting Excel:
1. Go to the Start Button on the Desktop and press it. Click on All Programs.2. Then click on Microsoft Office, then Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
3. This opens the Excel 2007 program
Identifying the items on the Excel program screen:
Menu bar:
1. Menu bar contains all the operators which the user wishes to perform on their Data.
2. By clicking on each tab user and view the operator.
Example: By clicking on Home tab user can see the operators which allow changing the Font type, size
and color........................You will learn many things at the tutorial sheet.
Now download this sheet and Start Learning and Enjoy!
Ms Excel 2010 Some advance step include than Ms Excel 2007 . So ,Some initial/beginner learner face problem . In this reason I present here how to start and step by step progress . I wish also helpful this tutorial sheet (19 page) .
Excel is a spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office system. You can use Excel to create and format workbooks (a collection of
spreadsheets) in order to analyze data and make more informed business decisions. Specifically, you can use Excel to track data, build
models for analyzing data, write formulas to perform calculations on that data, pivot the data in numerous ways, and present data in a variety
of professional looking charts.
The Ribbon :
Understanding the Ribbon is a great way to help understand the changes between Microsoft 2003 to Microsoft 2010. The ribbon holds all of
the information in previous versions of Microsoft Office in a more visual stream line manner through a series of tabs that include an immense
variety of program features.
Home Tab :
This is the most used tab; it incorporates all text and cell formatting features such as font and paragraph changes. The Home Tab also
includes basic spreadsheet formatting elements such as text wrap, merging cells and cell style.
Insert Tab :
This tab allows you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip art, and headers and footers.
Formulas Tab :
This tab has commands to use when creating Formulas. This tab holds an immense function library which can assist when creating any
formula or function in your spreadsheet.
You will learn many things at the tutorial sheet..................
Now download this sheet and Start Learning and Enjoy!